NTU Mods is updated (kind of) for AY2024/2025!

What is this website for?

This website is a tool for Nanyang Technological University (NTU) students to plan for their courses / modules during the course registration period or for browsing modules offered by NTU. It allows you to navigate seamlessly on one platform rather than using the school's website.

How do I use this website?

If you wish to plan for your courses you can use the timetable planner to do so. If you want to browse through all available indexes, modules and related information, you can use the mods page.

How does this help me in STARS?

It gets tiring trying to see which index fits into your timetable, its even worse when your ICC mods indexes such as CC0005 and CC0003 isn't even shown on the NTU Stars Planner. This website allows you to see all the indexes available for a module and allows you to plan for your timetable.

Can you include vacanies for indexes?

Currently, there is no way for us to include vacancies for indexes as we do not have access to the school's database. However, we are looking into ways to do so.

Can you update your system to include...?

We have updated the system for Academic Year 2024-2025 Semester 1. If you have any missing courses or suggestions, please feel free to email me or send a feedback below.

Do you track my data?

We do track the number of users and user activity, but we do not track any of your personal data (we do not have access to it anyways). Everything is done on your local browser.

There is something wrong with the system!

You can contact me via email or use the debug page to reset the system.

Give us your feedback!

We will use this to contact you.